History Fields and Professors: European - Weber, Ellis, and Bruehl
N.A. Weber
Father Nicholas Aloysius Weber taught the following in the years until his retirement in 1941: Hist. 101, 102 (Western Europe from the Decline of the Roman Empire), 104 (From the Congress of Vienna to the present), 513, 514 (Modern Europe, Survey from 1492 - 1789).
Weber did not supervise any M. A. theses after his retirement.
John Tracy Ellis
Msgr. John Tracy Ellis offered classes in Modern European History 301, 401, 402, 411 (Europe Since 191), 451, 452.
Theses under Ellis:
* (Rev.) George M. Waggett, O.M.I. Pioneer Oblate Missions in the Pacific Northwest (1847-1861) 11/6/1942
* Sister M. Bernetta Brislen, Rev. T.J. Casey 11/6/1942
* Henry J. Browne The Catholic Church and the Knights of Labor 2/10/1945
* Fergus MacDonald, C.P. The Catholic Church and the Secret Societies in the United States 3/19/1945
* Rev. Joseph P. Flynn, C.S.P. The Early Years of Augstine F. Hewitt (1820-1858) 3/19/1945
* Richard Walsh C.S.P., Father Hecker and the Catholic Press (1865-1875), no date
* Mother Mary Peter Carthy, O.S.U., St. Patrick's (old) Cathedral, New York, 1809-1842, 8/15/1945
* Peter E. Hogan, S.S.J., Thomas J. Conaty as Second Rector of the Catholic University of America, 1996-1903. 2/10/1947
* Patrick H. Ahern John J. Keane as First Rector of the Catholic University of America, 1887-1896 4/29/1947
Henry (Heinrich Joseph) Bruehl[i]
Assistant Professor Henry Bruehl (1879-1946) was a German Catholic political refugee who taught courses in Early Modern European history. He taught 101, 102 (1938- 45) His 500-level courses were:
* 531, 532 “The Renaissance and the Religious Upheaval (C. 1350- 1648) A study of the principal political, religious, economic, and cultural movements in Europe from the Renaissance to the Peace of Westphalia.” (1943-44)
* 533, 534 “The Age of the National Monarchies (1648-1789) 3 1944- 45 A history of Europe from the era of absolutism through the French Revolution.” (1945-46 and 1946-47)
* 535, 536 “The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era. An intensive study of the period.” (1945-46 and 1946-47)
Theses under Bruehl (1942 and 1944):
* Brother Clarence J. Biladeau, C.S.V. Antoine Duprat, Chancellor of France, in the Arrangement of the Concordat of Bologna between Francis I and Leo X, 2/7/1942
* Muriel Sabrant(?)Charles d'Albert Duc de Luynes, Chief Minister of France (1617-1619) and his influence upon Louis XIII, 2/10/1942
* Rev. Roger Bartr(?), Cornelius Musso (1511-1574) Humanist and Reformer, an evaluation of his life and works, 2/5/1944
[i] Henry Bruehl was born as Heinrich Joseph Brühl 1879 into a Catholic family in Herdorf (Koblenz), Germany, and died in Washington, DC on October 17, 1946. The Washington Post wrote an obituary under the title “Dr Bruehl, Opponent of Nazis, died”. Bruehl lived with his family in Florida between the age of 4 and 9, before the family returned to Germany because of the death of his father in 1889.
He studied in Antwerpen (Humaniora 1898), Salzburg, and Muenster. (PhD 1905) His dissertation focused on the Prince-Archibishopric of Muenster during the 18th century. Since 1904 Bruehl taught as a Secondary School teacher until he was forced to leave his position in 1934 probably because he wrote a book in 1932 entitled “Heinrich Brüning, unser Führer”. Brüning, member of the Center Party and Chancellor of Germany 1930-32, also fled in 1934 to the U. S.. Bruehl had a position as teacher at the Rosemont College (Society of the Holy Child Jesus) in Rosemont, PA, before he was hired as Assistant Professor at CUA. See his c. v. in his dissertation: Brühl, Heinrich Joseph. Die tätigkeit des ministers Franz freiherrn von Fürstenberg auf dem gebiet der inneren politik des fürstbistums Münster, 1763-1780: Inaugural-dissertation... Vol. 1. Regensburg, 1905.